Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's coming.

I really do enjoy writing, I just don't do it enough. I thought I'd try a blog again, see if that helps get "the creative juices flowing." I think writing is a good way to figure out my thoughts, and to make myself think outside of the daily household chores and conversations with my three year old (even though I love talking to her).

I've been thinking a lot about REVIVAL lately. I recently heard someone preaching about it. He said: "Revival is a personal thing in your life. It's bringing something back from the dead. Revival for this generation begins inside you." I think it's really easy to hear the word revival and picture big white tents and huge crowds of people weeping at an altar. I immediately think of great men like John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon. Yes, that is revival; God moving in people's hearts. He is capturing them and renewing the spirit that is inside of them in powerful ways. We can't despise those movements.

But, those tent meetings didn't start by accident. They started with people quietly seeking the Lord in their homes. They started with men and women making choices to pursue godliness in their lives. And He showed up. I want revival. For my family, for my city, for the lost and dying. It won't happen by setting up a tent in my backyard. It will happen as I seek the Lord and stay obedient to Him. To listen for His voice. Revival can start in my own heart; my own life and then I believe it will transfer to the culture around me. So, I think it might start quietly, and that's okay. It's coming.

Revival looks like me sacrificing sleep to read my Bible.
It will look like me building a tower out of blocks with my daughter.
Revival comes when I have that young adult over for coffee.
It comes when my husband buys the homeless man a meal.
Revival comes when I speak, or maybe even only whisper, life over an impossible situation.
It sounds like my 3 year old singing "My God is so Big".
It looks like meals to a sick relative, cuddles with a newborn baby, dates with my husband, and a "thinking of you" email to a friend.

"This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." (Habbakuk 2:3)

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